Category Archives: Research

Theory and Methods for Public Pedagogy Research

New Book Release:

Theory and Methods for Public Pedagogy Research
Karen Charman and Mary Dixon

Theory and Methods for Public Pedagogy Research introduces promising new methods of public pedagogy research centered around transforming rather than explaining knowledge. The new methods are premised on a new theorisation of public pedagogy which recognises the educative agent. The agency of the public to speak, to be heard, to know is manifest as the educative agent speaks their knowledge and the researcher must be attentive to that speaking. This book will be of interest to researchers and students in the field of public education and teaching in a variety of social science and arts disciplines, and education.

A 20% discount on book purchase is available – see link to flyer below for further details.

Call For Papers: Walking in/as Publics

Call For Papers
Journal of Public Pedagogies
Special Issue: Walking in/as Publics
Guest Edited by WalkingLab
(Stephanie Springgay & Sarah E. Truman)

As a research methodology, walking has a diverse and extensive history in the social sciences, arts, and humanities underscoring its value for conducting research that is situated, relational, and material. However, the history and genealogy of walking is encumbered by the figure of the flâneur that is predicated on autonomy, ability, Whiteness, masculinity, and as such a capacity to walk anywhere detached from the immediate surroundings. As a result, it is imperative that current activations of walking methods take into consideration race, gender, sexuality, disability, and settler colonization.

Public pedagogy is used to describe processes as diverse as dominant discourses such as neo-liberalism (Giroux, 2004), informal/anomalous sites of learning, (Ellsworth, 2004), corporate branding (Kincheloe, 2002), Disney (Garlen & Sandlin, 2016), civic engagement (Hickey-Moody, 2013), public realms (Biesta, 2010), and movement in public spaces such as streets (Truman, 2017). While public pedagogy can be said to refer to the educational, cultural and social affects and effects of prevailing culture, Sandlin, Burdick and O’Malley (2011) use the term critical public pedagogy to describe the ways popular and everyday culture(s) can be used to “decode and interrupt dominant ideologies of race, class, gender, sexuality, militarism, and neo-liberalism” (p. 347). Critical public pedagogy is an apt term to describe critical walking methods and methodologies.

This special issue is guest edited/curated by WalkingLab ( WalkingLab is co-directed by Stephanie Springgay and Sarah E. Truman. WalkingLab is committed to queer, feminist, anti-racist, and decolonial walking practices. See their recent publication Walking Methodologies in a More-than-Human-World: WalkingLab (Routledge, 2018).

The expected publication date will accompany the annual Public Pedagogies Institute Conference in Melbourne, Australia (November 2019). At this point WalkingLab invites proposals for submissions that activate walking methods and methodologies and specifically attend to race, gender, sexuality, disability and settler colonization in/as public. Each 250-word proposal should provide a title for the submission, explain a theoretical orientation, and a brief explanation of content, arguments, and walking practice that will be examined. Proposals should indicate if the final submission will be a full-length article or a shorter explication text (see below). If you include images in your proposal please embed these into your word document and then send the submission as a pdf. Include no more than 3 images at this time. Please include a permission statement that indicates that you have the copyright permission to include images in your publication. Please include a 50-word bio.

Final submissions can be:
• full length articles (5,000 to 6,000 exclusive of references) that theoretically and/or empirically attend to walking methodologies (these will be double blind peer reviewed)
• short texts (1000 to 1500 words) that explicate a particular walking practice(s) or events
• photo essays with short descriptions/theorizations

The journal is an open source online journal that currently publishes the papers as pdf files. Images and URL links can be included in submissions. All proposals will be submitted electronically as word documents (or pdf if including images), using APA citation format, and images. Submit proposals and queries to:

October 15, 2018: Proposal/expression of interest (250 words plus 50-word bio)
November 1, 2018 authors will be notified of acceptance of their proposal
February 1, 2019 final submissions due for blind peer review

Journal of Public Pedagogies Special Issue

Towards a Footscray Curriculum

The Public Pedagogies Institute has published a new book based on the research undertaken as part of the Footscray Pop Up School.

The publication is available for free download and will be of interest to educators, researchers, as well as the local community. Print copies will be made available upon request.

Towards a Footscray Curriculum

Karen Charman, Mary Dixon, Robyn Bellingham,
Mathew Thomas, Jayson Cooper

Public Pedagogies Institute, 2017

“The knowledge of a community often goes unrecognized.”

Journal Launch

The Institute launched the new issue of the Journal of Public Pedagogies on Thursday November 23  at the conclusion of the first day of our conference.

The new issue features articles by Belinda MacGill, Yayan Rahayani, John G. Fox, Debbie Qadri, Raffaele Rufo, Karen Charman , Mary Dixon, Robin Bellingham, Matthew Thomas, Jayson Cooper and Greg Giannis.

The range of articles in the issue again captures the diverse work that is taking place today in the area of public pedagogies.

Affective Spaces – the contribution of memory to place

In a research paper delivered at the 2014 Public Pedagogies Day at Victoria University, PPI founding member Dr. Karen Charman examines through a psychoanalytic frame a Memory Space Project (2012) set up for the expressed purpose of evoking memories.

As Charman explains:

As an extension of my interest in learning that occurs outside of formal institutions, such as schools and universities, I have developed a conceptual practice called  A Memory Space.
I have undertaken this approach in Sunshine and Fawkner.  A Memory Space is a physical location in each of these respective suburbs where visitors to the space are encouraged to share a memory. Each of the iterations of this concept has resulted in curating an exhibition that reflects these memories. I am currently writing up these projects and theorizing what is occurring when someone shares a memory.

Psychoanalysis can account for the emergent unstructured reservoirs and contours of memory. Occurring in a memory space is a re-inscribing of the selves that continue to inhabit places. Further, this paper suggests that a psychoanalytic attentiveness to space, psychic interiority and the relationship to the outside world can form a spatial and temporal awareness of place.

Click below to download the 2014 Public Pedagogies Day program:

Public Pedagogies Day 2014